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dc.contributor.advisorMbele, Charles Romain-
dc.contributor.authorKameni, Hugues Martial-
dc.description.abstractThe aristotelician theory of revolutions, steps into the debate on conditions of stability within States. An undeniable fact is that all the political systems: monarchy, aristocracy, republic, tyranny, oligarchy and demagogy face permanent risk of destabilization. The authors of politic closely examined the different factors from which originate revolutions in State. The causes can be shared into two parts: general causes and those which are proper to each regime. As far as the causes from the first order are concerned, one can be distinguish: the ambition of rich and honor, insult; contempt, fear, the disproportionate increase of few social levels. The second category of causes is also divided into two groups: Aristtotle distinguish first of all the factors of revolution. Peculiar to republican regime. At this level, we have notice that the fall of democratic regime is especially due to the turbulence of demagogic; the oligarchy one to the division of oligarchic among themselves; the aristocratic; to the limited number of their members, to the breach of constitutional law. The ruin of monarchical States is proved by the arrogance of the tyrant towards his subjects, of hatred, of the contempt of the latter towards the former. The overthrow of the king is mostly due to the despotic and hereditary character of the royal power. These factors of revolution are far from being a fatality. Because Aristotle suggest to all the regimes, without exception, the means of their preservation. In the sense that, Democratic, aristocratic and oligarchic state stabilize through the respect of the law, short stay in post, the integrity of civil servants, the value attached to the education of citizens. Monarchical states own their salvation mostly to the moderation of kings, to the virtuous behavior of tyrants. Aristotle presents himself with his theory on revolutions as a real guide to the rescue of governments. That is why the appropriation of his reflection by citizens of the world today could permit to halt crises and dissensions within States for collective well-being.en_US
dc.format.extent100 Pagesfr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectLa théorie péripatéticiennefr_FR
dc.titleLa théorie des révolutions dans la politique d’Aristotefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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