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dc.contributor.advisorMbondji Mouelle, Marie-Madeleine-
dc.contributor.authorMââchou Kouotang, Zita Felicie-
dc.description.abstractCameroon has recently adopted a new teaching approach for secondary education, the Competence Based Approach with the Real Life Situations model (CBA/RLS). The CBA/RLS is therefore supposed to be applied in the first cycle of secondary education in the teaching/learning of French. We are therefore interested in the way teachers put up with these changes and apply the new approach in writing lessons. Our study is based on the disciplinary domain of language didactics which, since the years 90s, lays more emphasis on the development of skills other than speaking. The study that we carried out with different tools for the collection and analysis of data reveals that teachers of French do not succeed in applying it in the teaching of writing. This work is therefore a contribution to help along the application of the CBA/RLS in the teaching of writing. To carry out our research, we divided it into three parts : firstly, the analysis of theoretical considerations about our topic ; then, the analysis of data collected from a population made up of FFL teachers and FORMV students ; finally, suggestion of ways for an effective and efficient enforcement of the CBA/RLS in the teaching of writing.en_US
dc.format.extent104 Pagesfr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectDidactics of FFLfr_FR
dc.subjectCompetence based approachfr_FR
dc.subjectReal Life Situations modelfr_FR
dc.titleExpression écrite française et entrée par les situations de vie : cas de la fForm Vfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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