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dc.contributor.advisorPriso Ndedi-
dc.contributor.authorAlang, France-
dc.contributor.authorNemi Elada, Joseph-
dc.contributor.authorYontchou Kwanang, Onésime-
dc.description.abstractThe teaching of physics-chemistry-technology in the first cycle of high school in general and in "troisième" in particular, has an average success rate of 29.11% (survey conducted in five high school in Yaoundé: 2014-2015 school year). The causes of these bad statistics are of various kinds. Considering the learning difficulties of students on one hand and the lack of suitable infrastructure for teachings on the other hand. The solutions encounter to these various problems has given birth to a tutorial: NAY-LAB. A curriculum analysis of the physics program of the first cycle of secondary education first and conducted surveys have circumscribed the theme of NAY-LAB on the study of the phenomenon of buoyancy. The desire to develop a learning support tool in accord with the objectives of the reform of January 13, 2013 of the MINESEC has led us to design a virtual laboratory. NAY-LAB does not include theoretical courses, it aims to accompany the student to discover and experiment the theoretical knowledge that he received in the classroom and to improve student success rates in this discipline. Thus understood, and with the help of tools and design methods of instructional design and software engineering, NAY- LAB allows students to develop skills in the mastery and use of the principle of buoyancy by introducing him in life situations. NAY-LAB is therefore an interactive, ergonomic environment which allows an easier and effective self-learning for the student. Finally, NAY-LAB offer solutions to several problems, namely the lack of textbooks, workshops and libraries, it is also a training tool which can be use in classroom and at distance. It is therefore an indispensable tool for the Cameroonian education systemfr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectVirtual laboratoryfr_FR
dc.titleConception et réalisation d’un didacticiel sur la poussée d'Archimède en classe de 3emefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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