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dc.contributor.advisorAnneh Dasi, Eleanor-
dc.contributor.authorShwiri Tibui, Solange-
dc.description.abstractThis work, entitled “Dismantling Oppressions in Bole Butake‟s Lake God, The Survivors and, And Palm-wine Will Flow”, examines the oppressive measures that have been put in place by the male in order to subjugate both the female and nature in a patriarchal society. The study is based on the hypothetical contention that although women and nature have been dominated by men, this domination cannot be completely achieved because these oppressed groups still have a vital role to play in societal evolution. Feminism and Ecofeminism has been used to analyze the work. Feminism has been used to analyze this work with focus on „Womanism‟ as it examines feminism from an African perspective whereby the African woman advocates the accommodation of both men and women in the society. Ecofeminism, on its part, was used to show the double oppression of woman and nature and also the relationship that exist between human beings and the environment. The study has shown that man‟s domination is only short- lived as the woman has risen above the fixed roles put in place for her to show that she can excel in all walks of life. Consequently, it has proven that there is a need for harmony between man/woman and human/nature for societal evolution.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectBole Butake‟s Lake Godfr_FR
dc.titleDismantling oppressions in bole butake’s lake god the survivors and palm wine will flowfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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