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dc.contributor.advisorSimeu Kamdem, Michel-
dc.contributor.authorKeumegni Tchakounte, Pascal-
dc.description.abstractOur work is on the theme "The use of the satellite image in the digital age in the teaching of geography at the second cycle of the general in the high schools of Bankim and Cite Verte". This subject posed a problem, especially the enhancement of the satellite image in the teaching of geography, which represents for us a didactic potential that can motivate learners in the teaching / learning process, but which unfortunately is under-exploited. To better understand the problem, we conducted surveys of some 230 students to get their opinion on the use of the satellite image in geography. In addition to the questionnaire survey, we also discussed with teachers through our interview guides in order to have more clarification on this subject. After conducting these investigations, the results obtained show us that this didactic support offers on the one hand some opportunities on the social level. On the other hand, this tool suffers from problems such as absence in the libraries of schools, lack of training of teachers in the interpretation; lack of promotion, laxity and lack of synergy between actors who are skilled in highlight it. To address these issues, we have suggested a few multi-level strategies that could enable both state and private actors to address this situation. At the institutional and legal level, we propose work in synergy between actors in the realization of satellite images and the setting up of educational programs; on the infrastructural level, we recommend the construction of infrastructures for a better comfort of the pupils in the classrooms while electrifying them. The State must promote the satellite image, and train teachers in the use and interpretation of this tool in teaching / learning etc. The application of these different strategies will allow the development of education in these localities and the effective exploitation of satellite images in the courses of geographies.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectSatellite Imagefr_FR
dc.titleL’utilisation de l’image satellite à l’ère du numérique dans l’enseignement de la géographie au second cycle de l’enseignement général : cas du lycée bilingue de bankim et du lycée de la cité vertefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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