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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorChe Neba, Divine-
dc.contributor.authorMomha Ateba, Carole-
dc.description.abstractThis work, entitled, “Cultural Imbalances: Towards Self-Discovery in Chika Unigwe‟s Night Dancer,” examines the disparity between conflicting cultures. It proceeds to investigate how the ability to discern cultures leads to the definition of true self. The work equally highlights the fact that most cultures in the world have been altered as a result of colonisation and imperialism. It further shows how a text on cultures can bring about integration in the language classroom. The work as well proposes a platform for examining differences in the ESL/EFL classroom. The work operates on the assumption that, comprehending conflicting cultures is a base towards self-realisation. Informed by Postcolonialism, New Historicism and Gender Criticism, the work concludes that, the best way to live in a society with different cultural ideologies is to develop a positive hybridity. Also, individuals in a multicultural context should develop the spirit of cultural tolerance as a means of accommodating others.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectMulticultural contextfr_FR
dc.subjectLanguage classroomfr_FR
dc.subjectCultural tolerancefr_FR
dc.subject"Chika Unigwe‟s night dancerfr_FR
dc.titleCultural (IM) balances: towards self- discovery in Chika Unigwe’s night dancerfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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