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dc.contributor.advisorGuedje, Nicole Marie-
dc.contributor.authorBiloa Ohandja, Arsene Didier-
dc.description.abstractWood is one of the most coveted natural resources by the population. It is used in carpentry work, woodwork and decor. Moreover it also remains the envy of many biological deterioration agents. The present work evaluates the effects of storage conditionson the risk of occurrence of biological alterations of the wood. The method of descriptive observation survey was used to make a diagnosis of wood stored in 30 timber depots distributed in three domestic markets of the quoted capital of Cameroon during the months of August, September and October the year 2015. It is clear from this work that Entandrophragma sp., Milicia excelsa, Sterculia oblonga, superba, Triplochiton scleroxylon, poses a serious risk of harm. This risk is strongly linked to the freshness of the wood remains under the influence of ambient humidity raging on wood in deposits on the one hand, and the other under the influence of the exhibition wood weatherproof, the storage system, woodpiles, and duration of storage of wood in deposits.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectWood fuelfr_FR
dc.subjectLumber yardfr_FR
dc.subjectStorage conditionfr_FR
dc.subjectBiological alterationfr_FR
dc.titleEvaluation des conditions de stockage du bois dans quelques marchés de bois de Yaoundéfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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