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dc.contributor.advisorAssako Assako, René Joly-
dc.contributor.authorNjitoumyie, Ouzerou-
dc.description.abstractSeveral countries of the world have today valorised relevant sectors of their economies so as to resolve the problem of continuous increase in their population. This is the specific case of the tourism sector which has been revealed as a relevant sector capable of catering to the basic needs of this continuously increasing population considering the first position which it occupies in front of petrol, electronics and automobile since 1930 (WTO). As a segment of the world, Cameroon wants to make of tourism, one of the privileged sectors of its economy. It’s in the trend to help the government that we chose to work on the topic “Arts and touristic development in the Foumban city”. As such, our work is subdivided into 3 main parts. The first part deals with the methodological framework; the second highlights the various types of arts found in the Foumban city centre as well as the institutional and private actors involved in the development of the tourism activity in this town; while the third part treats of the different obstacles to the permanent arrival of tourists, the verification of the hypotheses, criticisms of results and suggestions to favour the evolution of tourism in the headquarter of the Bamoun kingdom. The methodological approach adopted was the hypothetico-deductive method which entailed visiting different documentation centres, administering questionnaires to a well identified sample population, interviews and field observations in order to obtain relevant information,to choose SPSS, Excel, and Word software to treat our data. After detail analyses, we realised that, there exists several types of arts in Foumban as well as several actors involved in the development of the tourism sector in this locality. However, several factors constitute a constraint to the permanent arrival of tourists in Bamoun kingdom headquarter. To solve these difficulties, planning projects have been proposed for this “city of arts”fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.titleArts et développement touristique dans la ville de Foumbanfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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