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dc.contributor.advisorLieugomg, Médard-
dc.contributor.authorFokam Kamgue, Lauriane Dahlia-
dc.description.abstractAfrican country in miniature, Cameroon has an ethnical and cultural diversity from the North to the south, and from the East to the West. Among, these cultural ethnic groups, one finds out that there is a group which distinguishes and dissociates itself in the Western part of the country by a hierarchical organization found in chiefdoms, hence very significant. Thus, this part of Cameroon is sheltered by a population which has a rich culture considered as being material and immaterial called cultural heritage. Our research study entitled “The protection of a cultural heritage and the development of tourism in Bandjoun” enables us to know that the cultural heritage of Bandjoun abounds in insufficiencies as regards protection which is seen as a setback in the development of tourism. This was experienced through the problem of fire accident, deterioration and cultural identity. After several research, we realized that the cultural heritage of Bandjoun is a key to development in the tourist sector. And “is the reason for which, it needs to be preserved with great care. This preservation requires new methods put in place through security systems like (gardening, camera supervision) and a rigorous management. Besides these methods, sensitization and other numerous preventive methods are in total disappearance due to modernization. Never the less, this great attention put on cultural heritage can be seen as one of the key solution towards the emergence of Cameroon in 2035. Indeed, this field is very important for the sector of tourism in our country from the moment where great attention is put in place through the enhancement and rigorous preservation of our culture with the main aim of boosting our development. Thus, several private organizations, associations were put in place in Bandjoun to facilitate the development of tourism and the protection of cultural goods.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectCultural heritagefr_FR
dc.subjectEthnic groupsfr_FR
dc.titleProtection du patrimoine culturel et développement du tourisme a Bandjounfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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