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dc.contributor.advisorMengue Mbom, Alex-
dc.contributor.authorNgon, Olga Ariane Laure-
dc.description.abstractThe last years, tourism has appeared to be a surprisingly strong economic activity as well as a sector essentially contributes to the economic take off. Conscious of this situation, Cameroon has since 2004 undertaken to make tourism a powerful driving force to boost the economy and national development, in its capacity as a decisive factor in the fight against poverty, on account of its enormous existing potentials. The Makenene council found in the Mbam and Inoubou division, precisely along the N°4 national road, is endowed with lots of interesting possibilities for the development of tourism. But the results obtained from this study show that the actual situation of tourism in Makenene is not capable of promoting socio-economic development. This is due to lack of tourism culture among the population, the absence of route infrastructure, lack of lodging and the absence of an actively encouraging policy. On the other hand, the programmes put in place within the framework of development projects to be realised reserves on a tiny portion for tourism management. In order to develop tourism and consequently promote socio-economic development of Makenene, strategies susceptible to contribute to the emergence of a veritable “tourism industry” in this locality have been proposed. However, it is important for these strategies to take into consideration sustainable development.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectTourism industryfr_FR
dc.subjectSustainable developmentfr_FR
dc.titlePotentiel touristique et stratégie de développement socio-économique dans la Commune de Makénénéfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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