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dc.contributor.advisorTchuikoua, Louis Bernard-
dc.contributor.authorDjuimou, Pélagie Flore-
dc.description.abstractTouristic infrastructures have been generally uplifted to be an instrument to fight against poverty and perceived as a development factor by the United Nations and by the World Tourism Organisation that is officially vying for the “realisation of the millennium objectives”. In order for these multiple missions to be carried out, the milieu has to be equipped with tourist attractions. However, this question comes up: are tourist hotel activities having a portion in socio-economic development of the Dschang Sub-division? In order to elucidate this question, throughout the work, an inventory of problems has been made followed by a classification of jobs in this sector, the strategies adopted to promote of activity in the subdivision, evaluation of actors involved in the management of these tourist hotel strategies in the development of tourism was done. The methodology used in data collection for this study was based on field observations of the activities carried out in hotels and other similar activities, collection of primary as well as secondary data using questionnaires given out to respondents and the collection of other data from other different actors. The results from this study are that, hotel tourist activities in the same way as actors are diverse, making the Dschang Sub-division a favourable area in tourist practices. Concerning social development, hotel tourist activities are only to the population that is directly involved in its practice. For this reason, it will be primordial to increasingly multiply tourist leisure activities in hotels through an allocation of funds to be given to actors of tourism involved in activities aimed at making these hotel tourist attractions viable and to better equip them in order to promote this sector, as well as a sensitisation and education of the population and the transfer of governance to the different councils.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectTouristic infrastructuresfr_FR
dc.subjectDschang sub-divisionfr_FR
dc.subjectSocio-economic developmentfr_FR
dc.titleInfrastructures touristiques hôtelières et développement socio-économique dans l'arrondissement de Dschangfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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