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dc.contributor.advisorMengue Mbom, Alex-
dc.contributor.authorTagne, Michel Dieudonné-
dc.description.abstractPresented as a dynamic sector and generator of capital in the world, tourism tends to gradually become an important lift of growth and development in Cameroon. By doing this, the valorisation of the Heritage Tourism presents itself as a prerequisite difficult to rise in the whole of the territory of Cameroon. This research on "enhancement of heritage and tourism development on the Stretch Dschang-Santchou", attempts to propose a scientific analysis to this crucial hangs of tourism including the low taken into account has not fostered a real take-off of this sector of activity in our country. It has as objective to demonstrate how the development of heritage can lead to the development of tourism in the Menoua. Our analyses are based on a systemic approach whose specificity is translated by its holistic approach. The techniques as diverse as the documentary research, surveys by questionnaires, interviews and direct observation have allowed us to achieve a result that we certainly would not have been able to obtain using other methods. In effect, the study shows in substance that the segment Dschang-Santchou abounds an important historical, cultural and natural heritage, which could be exploited for tourist purposes. However the low appreciation of this Heritage doubled to a management compromised by the weakness of funding and the lack of synergy of action between the actors on the one hand and on the other hand by the little attention given to the development of these sites to maintain the tourism sector in the inertia. It seems obvious to us that, the strengthening of the capacity of action of actors in the tourism and concerted management of local heritage will in the short term an outbreak of tourism development on the Stretch Dschang-Santchou.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectTourism valorizationfr_FR
dc.subjectLocal developmentfr_FR
dc.subjectDschang- Santchou sectionfr_FR
dc.titleValorisation du patrimoine et développement touristique dans la Menoua : cas du tronçon Dschang-Santchou.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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