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dc.contributor.advisorKenfack Jiotsa, Aurélien-
dc.contributor.authorSilatchom, Landry-
dc.description.abstractMicrotubules are part of a structural network within the cell’s cytoplasm. They are major cytoskeletal protein polymers assembled from the protein called tubulin that plays a number of crucial biological roles in eukaryotic cells. In this work,we use the generalised Riccati equation mapping method and the extended elliptic equation expansion method to derive exact soliton solutions governing the electrical information along microtubules. The model considered in this study is a one radial model of microtubule. This could even be of basic importance for explanation of cognitive processes in neurons. Many solutions are obtained with the present methods. The shape of solutions can be well controlled by adjusting the parameters of the system. Results which have been presented in this study can also be applied in the context of signal transmission and processing in telecommunication.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectCell’s cytoplasmfr_FR
dc.subjectGeneralized Ricatti equationfr_FR
dc.subjectOne radial model of microtubulefr_FR
dc.subjectExtended elliptic equationfr_FR
dc.titleRecherche d’une solution analytique exacte d’une ligne électriquefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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