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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorMbondji Mouelle, Marie-Madeleine-
dc.contributor.authorBikai, Emmanuelle Leslie-
dc.description.abstractLearning a language involves many steps among which firstly the acquisition of the oral expression, one of the four skills to acquire in order to effectively learn a language. This implies being able to communicate and interact in the language. Therefore, proceeding from the inadequacy of the preceding methodology in the teaching of French as a foreign language, the principal leaders of the educational system in Cameroon have decided to implement a new methodology with the Competency Based Approach (CBA) to ameliorate the teaching/learning process in general and that of FFL in particular. This new vision therefore awakens a particular question, that is, what are some of the strategies in relation to the new approach that can be adopted in order to improve the oral expression in French of Anglophone students? Based on this new approach, our work entitled French oral expression and real life situations context has therefore as main objective to answer to the question above. We have thus organized our work in three sections: first we have the theoretical part which consists in the insertion of our subject and the exploration of theories by some researchers in the French teaching/learning domain. This will be followed by the analysis of data collected near the Anglophone population (students and teachers) and last, some orientations of renovation in the teaching of the oral competence with the aid of the Competency based approach.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectOral expressionfr_FR
dc.subjectCompetency Based Approachfr_FR
dc.subjectCommunicative approachfr_FR
dc.subjectReal life situationsfr_FR
dc.titleExpression orale française et entrée par les situations de vie: cas de la Form III.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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