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dc.contributor.advisorTchuikoua, Louis Bernard-
dc.contributor.authorManga Athe, Patience-
dc.description.abstractBoosted by the fact that it is necessary to seek greater diversification of the Cameroonian economy through competitiveness of a number of sectors with potential for wealth creation and employment as well as comparative and competitive advantages found, the Government of the Republic of Cameroon has made tourism the fifth pillar of growth. The Sector Strategy of Tourism Development in Cameroon (MINTOUR 2005) notes among others the lack of professionalism of the main players mainly due to "insufficient human resources in quantity and quality" and "lack of tourist culture of the actors’. Similarly, the inadequate quality of services remains a major concern. In all cases, the training programs are not satisfactory. Ultimately, it can be seen with the sector’s strategy document for tourism development in Cameroon that the contrasting performances of the tourism sector in general and technical and vocational training in particular are rooted in "The lack of a database on tourism and hotel human resources, not assessing training needs and (the lack of a plan) capacity building of stakeholders in the public and private. The basic question was whether the policies and actions in the field of tourism are effective and meet the expectations of stakeholders. Contextually, what must we do to make policies and more efficient tourism shares Mbangassina? To address this issue, we have taken an eclectic approach, making use of interview, observation, framed by questionnaires on the basis of a sample judgment. In view of the above, we conclude that tourism policy remains national. We think first, it takes all this public policy leans on own reality in Cameroon and not a pale copy of the various partner countries. Second, a strong correlation between tourism policies and actions. Just as a strong involvement of local populations and CTD in a context of decentralization as that of Cameroon. The combination of all recommendations would Borough Mbangassina a tourist village in view of the natural potential and Cameroon also proven to be a touristic destination.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectSector’s strategyfr_FR
dc.subjectMbangassina villagefr_FR
dc.titlePolitiques et actions touristiques dans l’Arrondissement de Mbangassina.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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