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dc.contributor.advisorMbala Ze, Barnabé-
dc.contributor.authorKengne Nzonde, Christelle-
dc.description.abstractSince their emergency, the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have a growing influence on the society and they have greatly affected education. If ICT tools require specific competences, they are equally an interesting support to develop students writing skills and consequently, they constitute an answer to language difficulties faced by students in writing. However, the exploitation of ICT tools in classrooms remains non effective, because of the lack of knowledge and a total lack of interest in these pedagogic numeric resources. Taking this into consideration, this study highlights the importance of educative software in French language class practice. There comes the ambition that nourishes our research, notably the measure of the impact of the use of educative software in the writing production quality of students in the observation cycle (5ème) of the Government Bilingual School of MENDONG in one hand; and the evaluation of the interest and the real efficiency of the arrival of these new tools in classes practices in another hand. In order to achieve our objectives and verify our research hypotheses, we chose an experimental method with the adoption of the pre-test and post-test design in a unique group which enabled us to observe some intervals between errors before and after the usage of educative software in students written productions. We have also submitted a questionnaire to students in order to get their opinions about these numeric resources in their learning process.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectWriting performancefr_FR
dc.titleAmélioration de l’expression écrite des élèves à travers l’utilisation des logiciels en cycle d’observation : cas des élèves de 5ème du Lycée Bilingue de Mendong.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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