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dc.contributor.advisorAssako Assako, René Joly-
dc.contributor.authorMendoula Abossolo, Sharone-
dc.description.abstractThe didactic of geography is a new domain in our country in general and particularly in the university of Yaoundé I. Talking about the case of Cameroon, this discipline appears in the context during which the country is needing to emerge economically with geography at the center of resources production process. Thus, many reforms are being made within the ministry of secondary education in the objective to readapt this discipline with the new economic vision of the country by promoting the usage of geographic methods and tools. This paper focused on the application of image as didactic material in teaching and learning geography process in general and the urbanization phenomenon in particular aims to measure the degree in which images are used in teaching and learning geography in our schools. We first show the current situation about the usage of image, then reasons that maintain this situation and finally, we propose strategies capable to reinforce the application of image in teaching and learning geography process in our schools. Based on hypothetico-deductive approach, sustained by a survey that elaboration had been guided by stratified sample methods applied to students and teachers both in rural and urban areas, results obtained are as follows: image is less employed in teaching and learning urbanization phenomenon, better in urban area than rural one. That, material and structural weakness causes this situation. Finally, that good usage of image in our schools passes through reforms in material and structural domains.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectLearning and teaching processfr_FR
dc.titleUtilisation de l’image dans les processus enseignement- apprentissage de la géographie au secondaire : cas de la leçon sur l’urbanisation en classe de terminale au lycée de biyem-assi, au lycée bilingue et au collège JEAN PAUL II de Yabass.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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