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dc.contributor.advisorNgapgue, Jean Noel-
dc.contributor.authorNgo Djang, Anne Gisèle-
dc.description.abstractTourism is an industry which necessitates huge means and exercises a series of undesirable effects on almost all the sectors of the economy. This calls for transport means to assure the movement of visitors, as well as different accommodation means to lodge tourists. However by its geographical situation, the subdivision of Yaoundé 1, seat of institutions of the Republic of Cameroon, with its hotel infrastructures of international class is one of the favorite destination of tourists, businessmen, diplomats, congress men and university students. It abounds with multiple touristic attractions such as historical and artistic sites able to welcome tourists. In fact, we are out to show the contribution of touristic infrastructures to the economic, social and cultural development of the Yaoundé 1 subdivision. The main hypothesis here aims at understanding the background of the development of Yaounde 1 subdivision through touristic infrastructures. However, the field survey helped us for qualitative and quantitative data collection on the contribution of touristic infrastructures to the development of Yaounde 1 subdivision. This study reveals that a majority of touristic infrastructures are concentrated in the citycentre of Yaounde particularly in the subdivision of Yaoundé 1, and leads to its development through the creation of direct and indirect jobs which reduces the unemploment rate in Cameroon. Also, these touristic infrastructures attract many tourists during cultural and sport events, seminars, conferences, international exhibitions, organized in different structures such as palais polyvalent des sports, la falaise hotel, Hilton hotel. The solutions for this development to be effective and lasting are the construction, arrangement of other touristic infrastructures and the participation of authorities to cultural and sport manifestations.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectTouristic infrastructuresfr_FR
dc.subjectYaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.titleInfrastructures touristiques et contribution au développement de l’Arrondissement de Yaoundé 1erfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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