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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorWamba, Rodolphine Sylvie-
dc.contributor.authorBodo Alega, Merlin Daniel-
dc.description.abstractOrthography, in its lexical aspect, is a branch of French language such as others literary and linguistic branches. It is one of the most able subjects in the renewing of French teaching. In fact, we notice that learners of the observation sub-cycle (From I and From II) of the Government High School Nsam-Efoulan show many weaknesses in the discipline. Thus, we decide, in a bit to find some solutions to the above worries, to emphasis our interest on the difficulties of the acquisition of such a paradigm. Considering analytical and synthetically techniques, we made a study on words formation mainly on phonetic alphabetic and syllabic approaches with the focus on text theory. The cited theory is known as a significant macrostructure which associates many distinctive and also significant microstructures. The acquisition of lexical orthography faces a certain number of difficulties. A list of such problems allows us to notice that they are due to the main actors in the teaching- learning situation. Other matters are caused by the language itself. The analysis and interpretation of collected data associated to the census and the classification of students’ lexical mistakes lead pedagogic perspectives of solving which deals with the two paradigms. The main interest is to improve the students ‘performance in lexical orthography. Therefore those paradigms are focused on one hand on the reinvestment of reading and on advert pedagogy oriented to spelling in the other hand. The above two methods allow to keep words in mind of the learners and consequently to boost their orthography in a correct and efficient way.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.titleL’enseignement/apprentissage de l’Orthographe lexicale au sous cycle d’observation: cas du Lycée de Nsam-Efoulanfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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