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dc.contributor.advisorAwoundja Nsata, Catherine-
dc.contributor.authorNinkeu Ngassam, Ingrid-
dc.description.abstractIn a perpetual fight for women emancipation and independence, intellectuals make use of literary works to instil into human minds the respect between men and women. In order to fully reach that goal, school remain one of the main vectors of education and a way ofvalorization of woman. It is in that relevant context that we chose to make a general study on woman character drawn from secondary school literary books; hence the topic “Les représentations du personage féminin dans Madame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert et Sous la Cendre le Feu d’Evelyne Mpoudi Ngolle”. Set in the framework of comparative literature especially in imagology with contributions of the semiotics character, the present study aimed at investigating the influence of different female representations spread by these two literary works on the perception of the world by Première and Terminale students. The comparison of the two images brings out divergences and similarities, which influence positively or negatively the conception of the learners. This topic is temporal since it deals with the place of women in the society.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectFeminine personagefr_FR
dc.subjectPremière and Terminale classes learnersfr_FR
dc.titleLes représentations du personnage féminin dans Madame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert et Sous la Cendre le Feu d’Evelyne Mpoudi Ngollefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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