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dc.contributor.advisorWamba, Rodolphine Sylvie-
dc.contributor.authorBikoi Ndongo, Maxime Joël-
dc.description.abstractImplicite is a concept, that always presents itself as a source of misunder standing in communication. Thus implicit is seems to be a very important in the French language, since it participates in its enrichment by the forms of speech and the thematic multidimensional dimension of the values it develops or explitly through literary works. Implicit is derived from complex cultural and communicational context. This is why we have chosed to bring out our reflection in the corpus of senegalese novelist Cheikh Hamidou Kane; (1961), L’aventure ambigue. Which practically deads whith all the problems that the black continent has known. We can mention among others; religious, colonization, school and cultural migration. Cheikh Hamidou Kane makes his work a unique repertoire through its impressions, the sensations and emotions that he evokes by sayings. Which are in effect of latin context. Thus, the implicit character of this novel. It is for this reason that the work is inspired by psyco-linguistic and socio-linguistic method which does not neglect any aspect of the author is life and his entourage. Thanks to these methods, we have been able to see how our noveal his feeling in relation to the different situations he has experience in the character of Samba Diallo, hero and representative of a certain African youth condemned to follow a route identical to three quarters. Also, the value and the importance that the application of this notion gives us in the study of literary works.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.titleL’implicite dans l’Aventure Ambiguë de Cheikh Hamidou Kanefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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