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dc.contributor.advisorLieugomg, Médard-
dc.contributor.authorNouka, Patrice-
dc.description.abstractIntangible cultural heritage in Mbam Inoubou subdivision is much diversified and can be an important financial resource for the populations. The direct and indirect jobs generatedaround it occupy part-time more than half of the workforce. Only the trade does not feed its actors. Based on field surveys and interviews with the different stakeholders, it appears thatthe lure drop and performance of the department popular culture is due to the fact that it is poorly marketed; it is invaded by strong competition by western, North and Littoral populations; she is forsaken with the adults and old men; grip of politicking quarrels. Reinvigorate the folklore needs to reclaim the cultural identity and transform traditional values in assets before being put into tourism. However, a number of initiatives would be beneficial to increase tourist arrivals and to boost local development. In particular, construction in Bafia and the urgency one museum or a permanent gallery exhibition and sale of productions folklorists, with culture palace function which can hold sold-out shows.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectTourism and touristfr_FR
dc.subjectTourism developmentfr_FR
dc.titleFolklore et développement du tourisme dans le département du Mbam et Inouboufr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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