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dc.contributor.advisorShe Neba, Divine-
dc.contributor.authorLokenye, Valeryne-
dc.description.abstractThis study, entitled “The Conundrum of Modern Versus Traditional Motherhood in Chika Unigwe‟s Night Dancer”, investigates the challenges of motherhood. It equally evaluates the causes and manifestations of the dysfunction of the mother/daughter relationship. The research endeavour also looks at the different steps taken by Unigwe‟s protagonist in the search for the self. In view of the above, this work operates on the premise that the existing challenges between mothers and daughters in the midst of cultural flux stems from misfortune, prejudices, and cultural restraints. Furthermore, it proves that a transcultural based approach to the teaching of English language in an ESL/EFL classroom establishes a better platform for learning. Written against the background of Postcolonial theory and Feminism, this work determines the extent to which an individual re-creates an identity by overcoming cultural barrier. In an attempt to re-invent the self, a psychoanalytic perspective of the female identity came into play. We found out that the female identity is primarily based on the mother/daughter bond and the mother/daughter tie is threatened by maternal obligations and rebellion from the daughter. This study, as such, concludes that the woman defines herself through the way she makes something out of what culture (the world) makes of her.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectPréjudices et sobriétés culturellesfr_FR
dc.subjectChika Unigwe‟s Night Dancerfr_FR
dc.titleThe conundrum of modern versus traditional motherhood in chika unigwe’s night dancerfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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