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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorBetoko Ambassa, Marie-Thérèse-
dc.contributor.advisorNgefac, Aloysius-
dc.contributor.authorGuimdjeu Zeufack, Jacquy Joëlle-
dc.description.abstractThe learning of French in the Anglo-Saxon subsystem of education in general, and in Form II in particular; depends on students’ motivation. The teacher has the strong responsibility to favor the very learning using game as a learning medium to elicit the desire to learn French. Game is both a motivation factor and a communication medium that enables exchanges and interactions among students. It is, like any other pedagogic medium, limited and sometimes constraining for the teacher who should take some time to design the game; this is by far not easy. As a matter of fact, this study aims at reinforcing the motivation of students of the Anglo-Saxon subsystem of education in general and those of the first cycle in particular; so that they become totally involved in the process of learning French with the ultimate purpose of improving on their linguistic competence thanks to play. Thus, this study is experimental and has the interview, the questionnaire and the test as research instruments. In the same vein the target and the accessible populations are the bilingual schools of the Mfoundi division in the Centre region and the set of Form II students of Government Bilingual High School (G.B.H.S) Étoug-Ébé, ASEC Foundation, Harvard Foundation and Mokala bilingual secondary school. The questionnaire has helped in collecting the data that made the descriptive study easy and test was useful for experimentation. This was done by choosing two levels out of which one was participated in the experiment and the other witnessed. A lesson is taught to students of the former level while activities are going on normally in the latter. After the analysis, it is found that there is a good performance in the levels in which games are used thereby leading to the claim that the use of games efficiently improves the linguistics competences. It is therefore important to use them as a French teaching method to make students enthusiastic. It is also necessary that the teacher makes use of the local didactic material to help students socialize themselves.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.titleLa place du jeu dans l’acquisition du français par les élèves de Form II lors du processus enseignement-apprentissage et son impact dans l’insertion sociale du jeunefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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