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dc.contributor.advisorFozing, Innocent-
dc.contributor.authorAzang Azang, Bertrand Wilson-
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research is to lay down the employability and the curriculum University programme. Yaoundé II University of Soa is situated in the Sub-region of Mefou and Afamba, the unemployment of student in their Private Law Degree in that locality and in Cameroon in general is a recurrent phenomenon. Therefore, after completing their initial Degree in Private Law, students are unable to find a job in the Law industry. Henceforth, we raised the question to know if the studied curriculums of Private Law from the University of Soa have a significant impact in the lack of employability currently facing the students. The main objective of our research is to assess if the students Degree programme has an overwhelming bearing on the employability possibilities of the students once graduated. The following common hypothesis is put forward to answer this question: the curriculum programme in Private Law enables student to be fully competitive in the job market. As a result, three different hypotheses can be looked at. H.1: The subjects studied in Yaoundé II University are fully efficient to enable the Private Law students to be competitive in the job market. H.2: The Teaching and learning methods in Yaoundé II University are fully adopted to boost the employability of students. H.3: The learning assessments in Yaoundé II University are appropriate to meet the employability needs of the students. To verify our hypotheses, we conducted a survey including a questionnaire and interviews. The acquired results from the survey of students and the interviewers have been analyzed using statistic tools such as: Chi-square tests and ANOVA tests. In the light of this analysis, all our research hypotheses were confirmed. This undoubtedly means that, there is a real link between the student’s curriculum and the setback in the employabity of the students, a situation sparkling many discussions and debates.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectProgrammes de formations Universitairesfr_FR
dc.subjectEmployabilité des étudiantsfr_FR
dc.subjectUniversité de Yaoundé II Soafr_FR
dc.subjectPhénomène de chômage des étudiants diplômésfr_FR
dc.titleProgrammes de formation universitaire et employabilité : cas de la filière droit prive de la faculté des sciences juridiques et politiques de l’Université de Yaoundé II (Soa)fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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