Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/7255
Titre: Ethique des droits de l’homme comme dimension transversale du curriculum en sciences humaines du premier cycle de l’enseignement secondaire général au Cameroun
Auteur(s): Nzoudja Mekwago, Blaise Ludovie
Directeur(s): Mbele, Charles Romain
Mots-clés: Ethique
Droits de l’homme
Sciences humaines
Enseignement secondaire général
Date de publication: 2017
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: Cameroon society is characterized by ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural diversity. The educational system therefore has an important challenge, that of promoting wellbeing, the living together, social peace and harmony, political and democratic culture or simply integration and cohesion between the various entities. This situation leads to the integration into the curriculum the ethics of human rights. The curriculum in human’s sciences which deals with Man and the society appears to be the most convenient module for human rights education, through human rights and for the human rights. In that vein, and base on ethics and curricula theories, we have conducted this study on the situation of human rights ethics in the curriculum in socials sciences in the secondary education in Cameroon. That on the topic title “ethics of human rights as a transversal dimension in the curriculum of socials sciences in secondary education in Cameroon”. Our objective is to verify if the curriculum of socials sciences deal with the education for human rights ethic. The research question is did the curriculum in socials sciences take into consideration the education and training for the ethic of human rights? The answer to this question leads us to the general research hypothesis title the curriculum in socials sciences aims to educate and train for the ethic of human rights. To make this hypothesis operational, we adopted four research hypotheses which are: RH 1: The orientation framework of curriculum in socials sciences favor the education and training for the ethic of human rights. RH 2: The contents of curriculum in socials sciences integrate the logic to educate and train for the ethic of human rights. RH 3: The didactics material, the pedagogic method and resources in curriculum in socials sciences favor the education and training for the ethic of human rights. RH 4: The evaluation system in curriculum in socials sciences is base on education and training for the ethic of human rights. The collection of data was realized with questionnaire and interview. A sample of 158 teachers in history, geography and citizenships fill the questionnaires while 6 authorities were interviewed. The sampling techniques use is reasoned choice. The data was analyzed using SPSS 17 which provided descriptive (absolute and relative frequencies) and inferential ( T test) statistics. The results show that the various research hypothesis and the general research hypothesis were confirmed. They state that the curriculum in socials sciences integrate and vehicle the education and training for the ethic of human rights. Then we formulated some suggestions like the permanent evaluation and actualization of the curriculum to meet the need of the society in term of human rights, the reduction of the abstraction of human rights in the curriculum and the best management of contents as far as human rights is concern.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 188
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/7255
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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