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dc.contributor.advisorRanava Mbahbai, Jacques-
dc.contributor.authorBiloa, Philomène-
dc.description.abstractThe present research is entitled: "parental affective role and academic performance of the pupil". The study starts from the observation that parents do not play their emotional role sufficiently with their children. Which exposes many students to poor performance. By considering the parental emotional role as a factor of good performance, parental affection has an influence on the student's academic performance. This study poses the problem of the insufficient exercise of the affective exposing the pupils to the bad academic performances. Hence the question of : how to explain that parents despite all the efforts made in the responsibility towards their children do not manage to play their parental affective role enough ? This interrogation made it possible to state the general hypothesis according to which : The insufficient exercise of the parental emotional role exposes the pupils to poor academic performance. Using a quantitative approach, data were collected from 120 students through a questionnaire. From the analysis technique of the chi-square test, it appears that the parents do not exercise their parental affective role sufficiently. At the end of this study, the main suggestion is that parents should play their emotional role enough.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectRôle affectif parentalfr_FR
dc.subjectPerformances scolairesfr_FR
dc.titleRôle affectif parental et performance scolaire de l’élève. Cas des élèves du Lycée technique industriel commercial bilingue de Yaoundéfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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