Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/7307
Titre: Analyse des systèmes d’information de gestion de l’éducation comme convention et de leur influence sur l’élaboration de la carte scolaire : Cas du MINESEC
Auteur(s): Timene Temo, Paul
Directeur(s): Fouda Ndjodo, Marcel
Mots-clés: EMIS
Conventions theories MINESEC
School map
Date de publication: 2015
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: This study answers the question of primary research: EMIS convention as its influenced the development of the school map? Indeed, the EMIS was set up in MINESEC in the 2010 in order to improve the production of statistical data, the development and improvement of the school map of the education sector. Many studies have been conducted since this year to measure the impact of its implementation in the Cameroonian educational system and that of ECCAS countries. The development of school mapping is a process that involves a set of resources both material and human, infrastructural, organizational, procedural, etc. The development of school mapping is becoming complex because of all the factors involved therein. It may well be based on the availability and efficient use of resources to be well prepared, or not at all match the needs. Its improvement could be made in the implementation of agreement governing its implementation. Thus, the objective of this study is to verify whether the EMIS as a convention can influence the development of the school map. To achieve this goal, this research is addressed to a group consisting of seven professionals, responsible for the operation of EMIS MINESEC and the development of school mapping. The method used was part of a comprehensive approach; it is addressed to a limited sample cut by a rational technique. The data collected and processed by a focus group helped raise the EMIS determines the development of the school map. This result suggests however that reflected the development of school mapping and specifically the production of documents such as the Statistical Yearbook and the analysis report for the case of Cameroon would be of even more reliable if the quality of EMIS work most good ways. This would allow decision makers, responsible for education systems to better plan future educational needs. We therefore propose an EMIS ownership model that focuses on four factors: technical factors, individual factors, organizational factors and as central factors, the control factor and coordination.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 110
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/7307
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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