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dc.contributor.advisorNgo Bisse, Jacquie-
dc.contributor.advisorTize Zra-
dc.contributor.authorKenmoe Meula, Martine-
dc.description.abstractThe present research work, whose subject is entitled "Experimental study and design of a process for manufacturing disposable biomedical and biodegradable diapers based on cellulose from the eucalyptus trunk", aims at improving and strengthening the range of natural fibres in sufficient quality and quantity for the needs of the consumer, preserving the environment in order to guarantee sustainable development. Based on the observation that, today, disposable diapers are made largely of synthetic materials and not biodegradable, which causes diaper rashes in children and environmental pollution; we have proposed to develop a prototype disposable diaper likely to remedy these problems. Eucalyptus wood, the raw material of our work, was taken from a farm in the town of Ebolowa, opposite the Municipal Lake. The chemical extraction method by the kraft process allowed us to obtain cellulosic fibres which were used in this work for the realization of disposable diapers. Before starting the actual extraction process, however, we gave an overview of eucalyptus, cellulose, fibre extraction methods and baby diapers in a detailed literature review. The chemical extraction method carried out in the laboratory allowed us to obtain the yellow cellulosic fibres for a period of 48 hours. The experimental process starts from the trunk debitage to the practical realization of the layers through the extraction of the cellulose, the bleaching, the drying, the impregnation of the antibacterial liquid, the grinding, the compacting of the cellulose under mold pressure and of stone and its characterization, whose physical tests were our guides. During this chemical extraction, two important parameters were taken into account: the extraction time and the concentration of the NaOH solution of 20g / L. After the experimental process, a scientific organization of work was made. It is on human capital that the predictions of a better organization of work are based. After a comparison of the prototype made with another model on the market, it emerges that the cellulose obtained from eucalyptus wood offers a disposable layer with good absorption capacities. The rapid growth and abundance of eucalyptus on the national territory offer a major advantage to lower the cost price of the disposable diaper that we have called Melka, making it, consequently, competitive on the market.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.titleEude expérimentale et conception d’un procède de fabrication des couches jetables biomédicales et biodégradables à base du bois d’eucalyptus.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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