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dc.contributor.advisorKekeunou, Sevilor-
dc.contributor.authorAshu Bessem, Kate-
dc.description.abstractThis work was designed to evaluate guidance counsellors program on students‟ needs in some selected Bilingual High Schools in Mfoundi division. Four research questions and hypotheses guided this study. The literature review examined the classroom guidance contents on student‟s needs, the methods used by counsellors to effectively implement their program in order to meet student‟s needs, the availability of resources, and challenges faced by counsellors during program implementation. Three evaluation models and two theories were also used to explain the concepts of the variables. The CIPP model of Stufflebeam was chosen as a framework to guide this study. The sample population composed of 1178 students and 53 counsellors. The survey research designed was employed in this study and the instrument for data collection was the questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.79. The data was analysed with the use of SPSS software version 20.0, wherein descriptive statistic and hypothesis tests was used. The results of the surveyed counsellors show that the classroom guidance content is suitable in meeting student‟s needs; different counsellor‟s methods are implemented in order to meet students need; the necessary material resources are not available; and counsellors‟ face challenges during program implementation. On the other hand, the results of the surveyed students shows that, students are not totally satisfy with the classroom guidance contents provided by counsellors in meeting their needs and counsellors methods are not effective in meeting their needs. They gave reasons for their dissatisfaction. The study also identified the strength and weaknesses of the program and areas of neglect. Even though counsellors agreed that the program is effective in meeting student‟s needs, 72% of them, still think that there are some aspects of the program that need improvement. They propose curriculum innovation in the classroom guidance contents considering the changing society and complex needs of students. For example, they proposed the inclusion of concepts such as, ICT, resilience, patriotism in the guidance curriculum. Based on these findings, the researcher recommended that curriculum planners should revised the program and develop more innovative contents that are suitable in meeting the needs of the 21st century students. Other recommendations were made to government, counsellors, principal teacher, parents and students. The researcher also suggested new and pertinent research axes.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectGuidance counsellors programfr_FR
dc.subjectStudent’s needsfr_FR
dc.subjectMaterial resourcesfr_FR
dc.subjectCurriculum innovationfr_FR
dc.titleAn evaluation of guidance counsellors program on students’ needs in some selected bilingual high schools in the mfoundi divisionfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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