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dc.contributor.advisorEva’ah Assam, Roulie Niquaise-
dc.contributor.authorAyissi, Armand Yaya-
dc.description.abstractWide movements of change produce some never seen effects all over the planet. The change is the difference between two situations, one is the actual situation and the other is the resulting. It’s also the transition (desired or not) from one situation to another. It has become one of the major preoccupation of the organisations, in a more complex economic environment. The person being the most precious capital in the change process of organisation, it is suitable to analyse the reasons why the change influence his behaviour within the organisation. Regarding the literature, three complementary approaches has been studied to highlight the determinants of this behaviour: the psycho-dynamic approach, the transactional approach and the ins trumental approach. Thus, the aim of our work is to first identify the practices of the politics of change done in Cameroonian’s enterprises, particularly in privatized ones; and secondly to show the contribution of these politics to the behaviour of the employee. To achieve our objectives, we have conducted a study in three privatized enterprises, and it comes out that, an incitative remuneration politic, the amelioration of the working conditions, and a convivial working space caused the value the mobilization and the productivity of the employees to change even if these factors are not enough.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectEntreprises camerounaisesfr_FR
dc.subjectComportement des employés au travailfr_FR
dc.subjectChangement organisationnelfr_FR
dc.titleLe changement organisationnel et comportement de l’individu au travailfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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