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dc.contributor.advisorFewou Njoya Said-
dc.contributor.advisorNjankouo, Jacques Michel-
dc.contributor.authorEyenga, Daniel Bertrand-
dc.description.abstractThe present study on possibilities to install a tree nursery within the Ebolowa Technical High Training School Campus had target contribute to the professionalization of teachings, through the settling of a forestry/agroforestry experimental tree nursery in department of wood ingeniery. More specificly, it cousist to: i) Identify a potential site to implement a nursery into ENSET campus of Ebolowa Metyikpwale; ii) Identify the species to be set up in the nursery to be proposed; iii) Identify and describe species’s multiplication technics; iv) Propose a strategic management plan for a good running of the nursery. To achieve the aim, descents were carried out in the field to observe and get interview of field’s actors and formation institutes. Investigations have been done with fifteen persons, one sawmill, two carpentries and one wood depot coming from an artisanal sawing of the studying zone (Ebolowa Metyikwale) by using a questionnaire. The results show that the concerned field is accepted because it fulfills all the criteria recommended by four authors for setting up a nursey, specificly it is behind the administrative component of the campus. Among all the species forestry/agroforestry, ten have been choosen to establish the nursery. Thosen species are mostly used as lumber, non-timber forest products a medicinal. The species are regrouped into eight families and the most representative are Fabaceae and Metiaceae. Two multiplication technics are described, the seed technic which is the reccurent one, and the vegetative multiplication technic. An amount of three million eight hundred seventy thousand five hundred is the estimated amount to realise the nursery in the ENSET campus of Ebolowa. A maquette realized in an 2D by libre cad show the base components of the nursery which can take place in the campus. All those informations indicates that the nursery fulfilling all the criteria, so it can take place, and essentials components can be realised into Metyikwale campus.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.titleEtude préalable pour la création d’une pépinière forestière expérimentale au sein du département d’ingénierie du bois de l’Enset d’Ebolowa, campus de Metyikpwale.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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