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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorLohmang a Gang, Paul-
dc.contributor.advisorNjankouo, Jacques Michel-
dc.contributor.authorItsuele Kolak, Marc Aurèle-
dc.description.abstractThe application, in June 1999, of the partial ban on the export of logs caused a significant increase in processing capacities from 1999-2000 through the creation of numerous wood processing units, which thereby increased the country's gross domestic product. This is observed in many wood processing units, the loss of material thus causing environmental pollution. The resolution of this problem in wood processing units, in particular in the SOMOCO company, enabled us through this thesis to carry out a technical and financial feasibility study for the installation of a debitage workshop in a sawmill. . In the technical feasibility study, we first identified and characterized the types of machine to be installed in the debitage workshop. It turns out that, with the head saw we will use the vertical band saw because of its high productivity, its narrowed saw line and moderate energy consumption; when edging,the single blade edger will be used because it consumes little energy and contains a retractable blade that cuts in both directions (back and forth) while consuming less wood; for trimming,the semi-automatic trimmer was chosen because of its cutting speed. Second, the technical feasibility study allowed us to perform a functional analysis of the debitage workshop. As a result, two analysis tools were used: the beast-horn diagram and the octopus diagram. The stupid horn diagram allowed us to state the need by answering the following questions: to whom does the system serve? What does the system affect? what purpose? it turns out that the system (debitage workshop) serves the economic operator by acting on the logs, in order to help the economic operator to transform them. The beast-horn diagram cannot quantify the degree of customer satisfaction, octopus then acts for this purpose, by highlighting the various constrained functions of the debitage workshop; we have obtained for this purpose: Ergonomics, aesthetics, standards, energy, environment. The combination of these two diagrams allowed us to obtain the functional specification of the debitage workshop. The latter represents the installation instructions, highlighting all the aspects to be taken into account in order to set up a debitage workshop complying with technical and environmental standards. In addition, the synoptic diagram of this workshop was brought out in 2D by Autocad 2012, allowing us to have a representative image of the project. The financial analysis allowed us to obtain the prices for each type of machine. It turns out that the unit price of the vertical band saw is 32,750,000 CFA, the single blade edger is 9,170,000 CFA and the trimmer is 5,600,000 CFA, for a total purchase price which amounts to 47 520 000 CFA without taking into account the transport which was omitted in this project. This project avoids the loss of material in wood processing, as well as environmental pollution; it must therefore be put on put by any economic operator aiming to install a sawmill.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectDebitage workshopfr_FR
dc.subjectHead sawfr_FR
dc.titleAnalyse et mise en place d’un atelier de débitage dans une scieriefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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