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dc.contributor.advisorAmana, Evelyne-
dc.contributor.authorOwono, Georgette-
dc.description.abstractThe promotion of inclusive education is currently on the political agenda of education systems in countries around the world. The question of school organization and inclusive pedagogy remains the main concern. Our study entitled Accessible Learning Resources and Inclusion of the Blind Student in the Classroom addresses the issue of inclusion of the blind student in the regular classroom. Many authors have documented the impacts of certain modalities of this educational reform, but few studies focus on educational resources related to access to information. We argue in favor of this theme in a reflection centered on the development of inclusive pedagogies and learning environments. Our research question is: what types of educational resources related to access to information promote the inclusive education of the blind student in the regular classroom? Our goal is to identify educational resources related to access to information that promote the inclusive education of the blind student in the regular classroom. We have considered a qualitative and semi-experimental approach according to the Piagetian method, focusing on the defectology theory of Vygotski (1994), the developmental theory of Bruner (1993, 1996), the theoretical approaches to Murphy's liminality (1990) and Calvez (1991; 1994; 2000) and those of social representations according to Jodelet (1989), Abric (1989) and Mannoni (nd). Data were collected through participatory observation, semi-directed interviews and the Piagetian experience. A thematic content analysis was carried out. The results show that the standard teaching materials related to access to information impedes the inclusion of the blind student. In contrast, those adapted to the characteristics and severity of their disability are powerful factors in facilitating the development of their autonomy and their participation in learning and activities. From these results, we concluded that adapted educational resources related to access to information (textbooks, Braille dictionaries, images, maps, diagrams, graphics, relief figures, computer with Braille or speech synthesis, Internet), promote the inclusive schooling of blind students in ordinary classrooms. Also, it requires complementary human help and positive attitudes of sighted school players. A student inclusion program has been developed.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectPedagogical resourcefr_FR
dc.subjectBlind studentfr_FR
dc.subjectInclusive educationfr_FR
dc.titleRessources pédagogiques liées à l’accès à l’information et inclusion scolaire de l’élève non-voyant en classe ordinaire: étude menée aux lycées bilingue de Nkol-Eton et d’Anguissa à Yaoundéfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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