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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorSamba, Michel Cyrille-
dc.contributor.authorMbo, Catherine Kelly-
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of our research is to understand how consumers behave when their cosmetic product is out of stock in the main store. To address this concern, this dissertation attempts to study the main hypothesis according to which, out-of-stocks lead consumers to adopt a new behavior in the presence of a shortage of their usual product in the main store. In other words, in case of unavailability of his usual product in the main store the consumer changes the store of one party, on the other hand, in case of unavailability of his usual product in the main store the consumer changes the article. To carry out this survey, a questionnaire was administered to a sample of 100 individuals in order to collect data which in turn was analyzed by the SPSS-DATA software through relatively simple descriptive statistics (flat sorting, cross-sorting). ). It turned out that, 59.3% of individuals opted for the change of store while 50% preferred to change the item each depending on the degree of involvement with the brand or the CC store. Ghesquiere (2012) or based on the consumer's shopping experience with the product and the store. We suggest that distributors offer their customers a wider and more varied assortment in order to complete the consumer even if their product is unavailable; to inform him in the event of a breakage and to identify the factors that can most influence the behavior of consumers in the event of unavailability of their cosmetic products.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectConsumer behavesfr_FR
dc.subjectOut of stockfr_FR
dc.subjectUsual brand/producfr_FR
dc.subjectMain storefr_FR
dc.titleThème : analyse du comportement du consommateur face aux ruptures de stocks: cas des produits cosmétiques dans le département de la Mvilafr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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