Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/7472
Titre: Perception of service quality in Cameroon’s state universities management: Perspectives of Master’s 1 student in social sciences of theFalss within the University of Yaoundé 1.
Auteur(s): Saah Kewihnu, Handson
Directeur(s): Emtcheu, André
Mots-clés: Perception
Quality service
State Univers
Date de publication: 2018
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: This study is entitled «Perception of service quality in Cameroon’s State Universities Management: Perspectives of Master I students in Social Sciences of the FALSS within the UYI». The finding carried out in this research came up with the fact that State Universities donot always provide the quality services required by students to facilitate the learning process. These students are less taken into consideration in the decision-making development within the university system. From this observation, the problem which is pause in this study is that of questioning the continuous functioning of State Universities in Cameroon given the differences that exist between the quality of services render and their perceptions by students. This problem is part of a scientific framework which is that of Management of Education. To identify the problem outlines, we focused our research around a main question to know: If the resources provided by the university influences the perception of these services quality received by students? To this, a main question was added to this work. With three secondary questions which are as follows: Does the pedagogical supervision carried out by the university influences student’s perception on this service quality? Does the campus environment influences student’s perception on this service quality? and finally, does the administrative leadership of the university influences student’s perception on this service quality? The reference theories summed up in this work consisted essentially those of: Argyris's theory of participative management (1957), Ludwig Von Bertalanffy’s systemic theory (1950) and Maslow's theory of needs hierarchy (1954). In their different studies, these authors show that in a system, all actors have a role to play and their needs must coincide with their demands. We entered our research in a quantitative approach with a random sampling technique and had a sample of 278 individuals out of a population of 1000 people. The chi-square test and the SPSS software were used to verify our hypotheses which were all confirmed. Thus, from the analysis of the data collected, it appears that the resources provided by the university have an influence on the perception of these services quality received by students. Because actions carried out by the administrators do not always contribute to the development of students learning processes.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 156
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/7472
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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