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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorOlle Olle, Daniel-
dc.contributor.authorZo'o, Vicky Franck-
dc.description.abstractIn Cameroon, the road transport sector is used by a very large number of the population, and we can see every day the number of lives that travel agencies transport from one city to another. It therefore seems necessary to put in place rigorous safety measures in this sector in order to avoid a large number of people losing their lives due to road accidents. In Cameroon, the death rate caused by road traffic accidents has increased so much that they have become the second cause of death after malaria, despite all the security measures put in place by the State in the sector road transport. However, certain safety aspects are still neglected such as that of driving under the influence of alcohol which is a big factor of this high mortality rate, it is in this perspective that we offer an electronic alcohol breathalyser system (which is an instrument of measurement of the alcohol in the exhaled air) coupled to the vehicle's starting system. It is a question here of integrating a breathalyzer device connected to the starter of the vehicle that can control its starting. So to start, the driver must blow into the device, and the device will then measure the amount of alcohol in his breath. If it is greater than or equal to the required standard for blood alcohol (greater than 0.8g / l), the engine will not start, and a second test is possible to prevent any error or dysfunction. The device can only prevent the vehicle from starting, it cannot in any case stop the engine when the vehicle is moving.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.titleConception et réalisation d'un alcooltest anti démarragefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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