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dc.contributor.authorNgo Lipenda Nyobe Marie-Noël, Marie-Noël-
dc.description.abstractThe title of this work is“pedagogicalStrategies and Achievement of the Inclusive Education Objectives of Hearing ImpairedStudents”. From the universal declaration of human rights from 1948 until present days, texts, laws and regulations have been established in order to improve the living conditions of disabled persons, to make social insertion processes effective. A successful school integration is the condition of social integration. What are the factors that help to improve the achievement of the objectives of the inclusive education of hearing-impaired (or deficient) students in the regular classroom?The general objective of this study is to check whether some pedagogical strategies significantly improve the achievement of the objectives of the inclusive education of hearing impaired (or deficient) students. To achieve this goal, we conducted a quantitative study. The data were collected using a survey in two forms. The first one for the students, and the second for the teachers. We made a survey with 97 (ninety seven) students and 12 (twelve) teachers. Data was analyzed through inferential content analysis and survey was made in Lycée Bilingue de Nkol-Eton. At the end of analyses, what came out was that the implementation of adapted appropriate pedagogy by teachers through visual support, appropriate type of communication, appropriate methods and techniques of teaching and evaluation improve significantly the Achievement of the Inclusive Education Objectives of Hearing ImpairedStudents. Finally, we have done some suggestions towards the politics and the educative community in order to improve school inclusion of student with specific educative needs and hearing deficient students particularly.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectStratégies pédagogiquesfr_FR
dc.subjectElèves déficiants auditifsfr_FR
dc.subjectInclusion scolaire des élèves handicapésfr_FR
dc.titleStratégies pédagogiques et l’atteinte des objectifs d’inclusion scolaires : cas élèves déficients auditifs du Lycée bilingue de Nkol-Etonfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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