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dc.contributor.advisorAmana, Evelyne-
dc.contributor.authorSuebang, Alex Roméo-
dc.description.abstractOur study focuses on the following subject: "vocation among teachers and internal efficiency of the education system in Cameroon". It deals with the problem of low internal efficiency of the education system in Cameroon. According to a document entitled (2012). Awards developed by the Office du Baccalaureat (OBC) (2013), the success rate in examinations Bacaccalaureat and Probatoire national has never reached 60% out of the 1998 session that even also been highly contested. Our goal in this work is to check if there is a link between vocation among teachers and internal efficiency of the education system in Cameroon. In terms of general hypothesis, it postulates that: there is a significant link between vocation among teachers and internal efficiency of the education system in Cameroon. Its operationalization gave birth to three research hypotheses are: - RH1: there is a significant link between taste studies among teachers and internal efficiency of the education system in Cameroon; - RH2: there is a significant link between love of learners by teachers and the internal efficiency of the education system in Cameroon; - RH3: there is a significant link between responsibility among teachers and internal efficiency of the education system in Cameroon. Our study population relates to teachers in general secondary schools in the council of Yaounde II. We used as research method, the quantitative type. The survey was used as a data collection technique. The said data collection instrument is the questionnaire. As technical analysis of our observations, we made use of Pearson's correlation. This research led to the following results: RH1: rcal (0.84)> rre (0.19); RH2: rcal (0.77)> rre (0.19); RH3: rcal (0.79)> rre (0.19). The calculated statistics are superior to read, which shows that our research hypotheses were confirmed and therefore the general assumption. These results led us to infer that there is a significant link between vocation among teachers and internal efficiency of the education system in Cameroon. This research through its results leads us to make suggestions to the place of several parts of the public as the state, teachers,students and the scientific community. This work could be an inspiration for further research.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectVocation chez les enseignatsfr_FR
dc.subjectEfficacité du Système éducatiffr_FR
dc.subjectEnseignement secondairefr_FR
dc.subjectYaoundé IIfr_FR
dc.titleVocation chez les enseignants et efficacité interne du système éducatif camerounais. Étude menée dans les lycées d’enseignement secondaire général de l’arrondissement de Yaoundé II.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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