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dc.contributor.advisorDiwouta Ayissi, Lot Pierre-
dc.contributor.authorTakodjou, André-
dc.description.abstractThis study is titled "the Borough of Yaoundé III and styles of management schools: an analysis of the professional performance of teachers of nursery and primary education. It starts from the observation of an apathy professional not only at the primary school teachers since the two decreases drastic of the salaries of officials in 1992 and 1993, but also among officials of schools since the announcement of the free primary school. Also is there today on the square a debate initiated by the actors and partners in education on the management style and professional performance, the question being what style would be best to rectify the situation. While White (1973), Arguris (1970) opt for authoritarian style, Campbell (1972), Katz and Kahn (1980) for the democratic style, Muselier (2008) and Manedong (2010) offer respectively the participatory style and the Advisory. Thus, the discussion is lively and entrenched positions because the reasons are of and other relevant and well founded. Facing the embarrassment generated by this debate and in response anticipated this question, we have made the assumption that all styles of management participate in varying degrees, to the improvement of professional performance. It has been operationalized in four research hypotheses all confirmed by a correlational analysis of data collected by means of a questionnaire with a sample of 120 subjects shot according to the stratified random sampling technique. The implementation methodology was therefore the questionnaire survey. After analysis of the data all our research hypotheses have been validated. The results which we have achieved has led us to the conclusion that the democratic style is strongly correlated to the professional performance of teachers of the teaching nursery and primary. This research concludes with suggestions addressed to the place of the Cameroonian Government through the Ministry of basic education.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectManagement des établissements scolairesfr_FR
dc.subjectYaoundé IIIfr_FR
dc.subjectRemdement professionnel des instituteursfr_FR
dc.subjectEnseignement maternel et primairefr_FR
dc.titleLe management des établissements scolaires publics et le rendement professionnel des instituteurs.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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