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dc.contributor.advisorBikoï, Félix Nicodème-
dc.contributor.authorChengwa Shu, Neville-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study was to determine how evaluation of mathematics on pupils of primary school can improve their performances in instructional outcome among pupils of Government Bilingual Primary Schools (GBPS) of Yaounde VI in Nfoundi Division Yaounde. The objectives were; a. to find out if mathematics in the primary school is achieving its objectives as clearly stated in the national syllabus for primary schools (MINEDUB 2000), b. to determine if design assessment in mathematics allow pupils to demonstrate their achievement of learning outcome, c. to determine what assessment tasks are used by evaluators to determine performance in mathematics, d. to find out if there is follow up in mathematics to improved pupils performances positively in the acquisition of mathematics instructional program. The target population was mathematics scripts of pupils in Yaounde VI. The sample population was scripts of pupils of class three of GBPS Biyem-Assi SIC Group IIB. After analyzing the scripts collected using descriptive statistics procedure (survey research design) he resulted that evaluation of mathematics is having a negative influence on pupils performances; objectives not achieved as stated, only pen-and-paper test used as instruments of evaluation, very limited follow up. To sum it all, mostly the cognitive domain of learning is evaluated, with affective domain not evaluated and a light evaluation of the psycho-motor domain. Thereby influencing pupil‘s performances negatively implying much needs to be done as evaluation of mathematics is concern.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectEvaluation of Mathematicsfr_FR
dc.subjectPupil‘s performancefr_FR
dc.titleEvaluation of mathematics and its influence on pupils’ performance in the anglophone public primary schools, Yaounde VI, Mfoundi Division.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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