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dc.contributor.advisorMbele, Charles Romain-
dc.contributor.authorAgbor Mbeng, Evelyn-
dc.description.abstractThis study was designed to find out the extent to which instructional coaching has an impact on teachers’ quality in basic education. The problem of the study was that, most primary school teachers in our context have difficulties in implementing what they learned from pre-service training and even ongoing seminars and workshops practically in their classrooms, which made us to question teacher’s quality in Cameroon. Our purpose was then to investigate the factors of Instructional coaching that significantly correlate with teachers’ quality in primary schools. The following question had guided our investigation: To what extent does Instructional coaching affect teacher quality in some selected primary schools in Mfoundi Division? The answer to this question generated our general hypothesis which declares that; there is a significant relationship between instructional coaching and teachers’ quality in primary schools. The operationalization of this general hypothesis has generated three specific research hypotheses. RH1 : Supervision has a significant impact on teachers’ quality in primary schools. RH2 : Mentoring has a significant effect on teachers’ quality in primary schools. RH3 : Coach-teacher relationship has a significant outcome on teachers’ quality in primary schools. The collection of data was done through a questionnaire administered to 236 pupils and 50 teachers purposively selected from 50 primary schools in Yaoundé V Sub-Division. The data were analyzed using descriptive tools such as the Spearman correlation coefficient with the following results obtained: There is a non-significant correlation between supervision and teachers’ quality, (3) = 0.183, (p>.05); There is a non-significant correlation between coachteacher relationship and teachers’ quality, (3) = 0.271, (p >.05); There is a significant correlation between mentoring and teachers’ quality, (3) = 0.366, (p<.05). The results were interpreted using the Bandura Social Learning Theory, Vygotsky Social Developmental Theory, Dewey’s Theory of Education and finally The Adult Learning Theory by Knowles which all emphasize the aspect of learning (teachers learn) by observing, collaboration and practice as a means to productivity in education. The findings of this study led us to make recommendations that the state, education stakeholders, teachers and Instructional Coaches should provide a safe and motivating environment where teachers and I. C’s could be challenged to fully engage in quality teaching and learning activities.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectInstructional coachingfr_FR
dc.subjectTeachers’ qualityfr_FR
dc.subjectBasic educationfr_FR
dc.subjectMfoundi Divisionfr_FR
dc.titleThe impact of instructional coaching on teachers’ quality in basic education in Mfoundi Division.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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