Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/7661
Titre: Approche par les compétences et professionnalisation de l’enseignement-apprentissage du français au premier cycle de l’enseignement technique au Cameroun
Auteur(s): Adiobo Mouko, Raphaël
Directeur(s): Belibi, Alexi-Bienvenu
Mots-clés: Approche par les compétences
Professionnalisation de l’enseignement-apprentissage
Fiche de programmation groupée
Programmes de français
Référentiel de compétences
Date de publication: 2016
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: The aim of this research has been to suggest a theoretical base for the conception of didactic material appropriate to the teaching-learning of French to learners of technical education. Thus, working on the assumption that the new programs conceived on the basis of the Competence-Based Approach (CBA) and addressing both learners of technical and general education are non-efficient with regards to the specific objectives of the former, we conducted an investigation with use of an interview guide, a questionnaire and a program analysis referential. The information gathered was analysed in the sense of determining the average and percentage of specialisation of the said programs, their shortcomings and principles to be observed in the elaboration of materials destined to train technicians. This resulted in the conclusion that these programs actually prove to be oriented toward general objectives, whereby they appear unable to suit the context of technical education. This enabled us to suggest some theoretical considerations for conceiving didactic materials specific to the learning of French in technical colleges. These include characteristics of professional technicians and principles that guide didactic action within the frame of the Competency Based Approach. These considerations also served as a base for the conception of an integrated skills sample lesson plan, a referential of competences and programs for the learning-teaching of French at the first cycle of technical education.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 246
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/7661
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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