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dc.contributor.advisorEmboussi Nyano, Eugène-
dc.contributor.authorMavegam Ouembe, Henriane Stéphanie-
dc.description.abstractThe topic that has been carrying out is titled “self-determination behavior and self efficiency of people with mild intellectual disabilities, especially adolescents with trisomy 21.” This research falls in line with a vast body of research on the self-determination of people with intellectual disabilities. Our main goal is to analyze and understand the influence that self-determination behavior can have on the feeling of efficiency of people with mild intellectual disabilities, especially adolescents with trisomy 21. This is to highlight through the characteristics of self-determination how self-determination behavior could promote the sense of effectiveness for adolescents with trisomy 21. It is from this preoccupation that we come out with the question that guided us sought to know how self-determination behavior could promote the sense of effectiveness for adolescents with Trisomy. To answer our main question, we a general hypothesis was formulated saying that self determination behavior would promote the sense of effectiveness of adolescents with trisomy 21. To better understand our general hypothesis, we operationalize it to have the following research hypotheses: HR1: Behavioral autonomy would promote self-efficiency in the person with trisomy 21. HR2: Self-regulation would promote self-efficiency in the person with trisomy 21. HR3: Self-efficacy would promote self-efficiency in the person with trisomy 21. To experience our research hypotheses, we administrated the LARIDI Self Determination Scale to a sample made up of five (05) adolescents with trisomy 21 chosen from two centers of the city of Yaoundé that host people with special educational needs which enabled us to collect our data. This scale has been completed by the semi-directed interviews with the teachers of those adolescents. The analysis based on a qualitative approach and the interpretation of results reveal that, despite some limitations observed on the self-regulation component in some adolescents, they have self-determined behavior, and this favors their sense of effectiveness which confirms our hypothesis. Finally, we made suggestions to the people who are most involved in supporting these people, especially parents and professionals.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectSentiment d’efficacitéfr_FR
dc.titleComportement d’autodétermination et sentiment d’efficacité chez les déficients intellectuels légers : cas des adolescents porteurs de trisomie 21fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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