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dc.contributor.advisorEfoua Mbozo’o, Samuel-
dc.contributor.advisorBatchom, Paul Elvic Jérôme-
dc.contributor.authorMachou Pare, Adamou-
dc.description.abstractThis thesis on the “cooperation between the UN and African international organizations in the pacification of gray zones in sub-Saharan Africa from 1990 to 2013”, raises the problem of conflictuality in Africa through the prism of silent tsunamis. Since 1990, 19 major conflicts have been localized in 17 countries, including only one classic opposing two States (Ethiopia-Eritrea). Beyond finding the interdependent historical motives between plural factors, our hypotheses highlight the foundations of cooperation in itself, of peacekeeping operations in order to operationalize joint actions. It is organized around a problematic, that of knowing: Does the cooperation between the UN and African international organizations make it possible to resolve the conflict effectively and adequately in the gray zones of sub-Saharan Africa? Indeed, endowed with the power of coercion, international institutions sustain collective security to the great displeasure of the secret diplomacy of the power balance system. International institutions can only exist if they serve the interests of States. The quest for power and security predisposes states to conflict and competition in a situation of anarchy. They are produced by agents guided by socially constructed interests. The technique of data collection was done through documentary analysis which has a plurality of sources, interviews and empirical observation. The technical model which integrates the diachronic and comparative approaches, the historical approach in its chronological and thematic aspect have been very useful. Not without effort, the pacification of the "gray zones" in sub-Saharan Africa suffers from a lack of strategies, of vision converging towards the higher interests of Africa, of political realism both at the level of the State, of sub-regional organizations and at the level of the African superstructure which is the African Union. The UN is not to be outdone and would benefit from revitalizing peacekeeping missions through a restructuring aimed at providing solutions that provide peace, a guarantee of repositioning African societies in the concert of nations. Moreover, this collaboration does not always make it possible to continuously resolve this phenomenon of gray zones in sub-Saharan Africa, which is definitely plagued by political, economic and even socio-cultural instability. Genuine coordination between these international organizations is much more urgent than the phenomenon of terrorism gaining ground and finding fertile ground. It consolidates by its modus operandis the fact of the gray areas and poses as a permanent stake and a major challenge for the actors of peace in sub-Saharan Africa.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectOrganisations internationalesfr_FR
dc.subjectPacification des zones grisesfr_FR
dc.subjectAfrique Sub sahariennefr_FR
dc.titleLa coopération entre l’ONU et les organisations internationales africaines dans la pacification des zones grises en Afrique Sub saharienne 1990-2013fr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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