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dc.contributor.advisorKoufan Menkene, Jean-
dc.contributor.advisorNgam, Confidence-
dc.contributor.authorNgoh Sama, David-
dc.description.abstractThis thesis titled, "Electoral strategies of major political parties during the parliamentary and presidential compititions in Cameroon from 1990-2013" investigates into the different strategies developed by the main political parties in the various parliamentary and presidential elections in Cameroon from 1990 to 2013. This work brings to therefore the question of the influence of the electoral strategies on elections outcome and the lives of political parties. To analyse this subject, primary and secondary sources were consulted. Their exploitation was carried out through the creation of the summary sheets and the transcriptions of the oral data collected. The chronological and descriptive methods, coupled with an analytical approach, allowed the analysis of the facts with an emphasis on their production context. The use of theories of electoral sociology, collective action and rational voters has made it possible to assess the stakes of the strategies adopted by political parties in order to win elections. Analysis of these issues by the major political parties which are CPDM, SDF, UNDP, UPC, CDU, MDR, MLLC, MP and MRC, shows that each political party defined its strategic choices according to the type of elections, the electorate to be conquered and above all, the financial means at its disposal. These strategies were very often developed from established laws and standards, while others were in total opposition to the current regulations. This reality often led opposition parties to challenge the results of elections. The assessment of the different strategies adopted by political parties during presidential and legislative elections in Cameroon since 1992 has led to the conclusion that, the outcome of elections is determined by the type of strategies implemented by political parties, be they conventional or non-conventional. These strategies developed are equally very much a factor of division and resignation within the political movements that bear in most cases the consequences of electoral choices for several years after the electoral consultations.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectPolitical partiesfr_FR
dc.titleElections strategies of major political parties for parliamentary and presidential competitions in Cameroon 1990-2013.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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