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dc.contributor.advisorMediebou Chindji-
dc.contributor.advisorMabou, Paul Blaise-
dc.contributor.authorSandjang Ngomegni-
dc.description.abstractYaoundé, like the majority of the African cities is experiencing rapid urbanization induced by population growth and the rural migration. This has produced an urban disorder characterized by the proliferation of districts with precarious environment, with consequences the insufficiency of driveways and various services, the insufficiency of the basic equipment, the complexity of the land situation, the massive occupation of land and the precariousness of buildings. This situation has led to the degradation of the living condition of the population. Since then, urban development appears to us as a challenge to carry out in view of improving the habitat in the Melen and Elig-Effa districts, prototype of districts with precarious habitats in the town of Yaoundé. For this reason our work is entitled "refitting the pericentral districts with precarious habitat of Melen and Elig-Effa in the municipality of Yaoundé 6". It is principally based on the following research question: why refit the districts with precarious habitat of Melen and Elig-Effa? The principal objective being to: Propose an operation of adequate refitting of these districts. To achieve this goal, we carried out research documentaries in libraries and resource centers, then went on the field in order to directly observe the site, organized interviews and carried out investigations through questionnaires. The use of the cartographic and statistical software for analysis, examination and data processing, enabled us to note that nearly 80% of households live in an alarming precariousness. This precariousness is perceptible by the insufficiency of infrastructures and basic urban equipment; strong density of buildings, which are built out of provisional materials and for the majority in an advanced state of decay. In addition, poverty in the households, anarchistic occupation, the laxism of the authorities, the informality of the estates, and the demographic pressure has strongly exacerbated the precariousness of the site. This is why we propose the improvement of the way of life of the population of these districts through an operation of urban reorganization according to three scenarios (minimal, average and maximum). This one will be done in accordance with the rules of town planning in force and the requirements of the populations. However, the effective implementation of this refitting operation will require the intervention of several interveners, in order to reinforce the capacities of the urban Community.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectPrecarious habitatfr_FR
dc.titleRéaménagement des quartiers péricentraux à habitat précaire de melen et elig-effa dans la commune d’arrondissement de Yaoundé 6.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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