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dc.contributor.advisorFonkoua, Paul-
dc.contributor.authorLiendze Meguieng, Michèle Anita-
dc.description.abstractThe present study entitled « Pedagogical supervision at the INJS and the professional effectiveness of PE teachers » is a contribution to the overall reflection on the effective implementation of pedagogical supervision and its impact on the professional profitability of PE teachers. The aim of this study is to improve teachers’ practices in order to increase pupils’ motivation to take part in PSA (physical and sports activities), and to encourage them to take up physical sports during their school career. To gain a better understanding of the influence of pedagogical supervision on the professional performance of these teachers, we analysed the correlational factors that constitute the themes (aspects) of this supervision and highlighted them through a literature review that enabled us to identify and operationalize certain explanatory factors and theories of the phenomenon. Based on a three-phase field survey, the study reveals that pedagogical supervision is a process that aims not only to improve the teaching/learning relationship, but also to help pedagogical activity evolve. It takes several forms (classic, central, clinical, proximity support, etc.), with the aim of creating a friendly relationship between supervisor and supervisee (teacher). This conviviality would have an impact on the teacher’s professional effectiveness. Both players will benefit from integrating these concepts as catalysts for performance in the workplace.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectSupervision pédagogiquefr_FR
dc.subjectEfficacité professionnellefr_FR
dc.subjectEnseignement/ apprentissagefr_FR
dc.subjectInspection pédagogiquefr_FR
dc.subjectSéminaire de recyclagefr_FR
dc.subjectEducation physique et sportivefr_FR
dc.titleLa supervision pédagogique à l’INJS et l’efficacité professionnelle des enseignants d’EPS.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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