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dc.contributor.advisorFonkoua, Paul-
dc.contributor.authorNodji, Ezéchiel-
dc.description.abstractThis research takes place in the context of the Education sector plan, which provide among other things for the conduct of actions aimed at management. Sectorial it is in this perspective that the PEFAF project was setup to improve the indicator of the quality of education for girls in the women high school I, the 6th district of city of N’Djamena in Chad. Its aims to analyze the effects of the PEFAF project on the quality of girls' education in Chad. To conduct this study, we mobilized several theoretical orientations such as goal setting theory of Langevin and Mendezo (2014) and Gaudet and Lapointe’s (2002) equity theory. These theoretical orientations reveal and explain the various aspects of the actions carried out by the project related to the schooling of the girl child with regard to the increase in the school offer, the improvement of the school environment and the strengthening of the quality of girls' education. Therefore, our research hypothesis is formulated as follows: the PEFAF project has effects on equitable access to education for girls in the 6th arrondissement of N'Djamena. To verify the said hypothesis, we adopted the hypothetico-deductive approach which is qualitative-quantitative (mixed). The qualitative method was conducted using a semi-structured interview with the madam principal of the women’s High School of the 6th district of the city of N’Djamena/Chad, the PEFAF project team and a teacher from the said high school. The quantitative survey as to done using a questionnaire submitted to a random sample of 90 teachers from different levels of the women’s High School. At the end of this analysis, the results allowed us to conclude that the PEFAF project had positive effects one the education of girls in the 6th district of the city of N’Djamena/Chadfr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectAccess équitablefr_FR
dc.titleScolarisation de la fille et accès équitable à l’éducation : une analyse du projet pefaf dans le 6ème arrondissement de la ville de N’djamena au Tchadfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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