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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorNdzie Souga, Clotaire-
dc.contributor.authorDjougoum, Diane Mareille-
dc.description.abstractIn Cameroon, efforts are made every in waste management in general and in the field of pneumatic waste in particular. Only to date, tire waste has not aroused as a much interest in its management, both for local actors and for the population. To this end, research the management of this waste it possible to highlight the implications that could have on the socioeconomic and environmental levels. The objective of this study is to analyze the implications of the management of tire waste in the district municipality of Yaoundé 2. To carry out this work, two approaches were adopted. The empirical-deductive method. it is based on the personal experience of the realities described, and the hypothetical deductive methods has been adopted. The hypothetical -deductive method is the one that guided the surveys through semi- structured interviews and questionnaire. The surveys conducted with the actors allowed us to have qualitative and quantitative data whose processing was carried using the EXCEL software and the ARGIS mapping software. At the end of this stage, it appears that the recycling activity of recycling tire waste has negative implication on the health of populations and on the environment, but also positive implication on the economic level. This waste represents a great source of financial income and creates many jobs despite the fact that the craftsmen of this sector are considered as “sub- human”. In view of the results obtained, suggestions have been made with a view to trying to reduce the risks to which population are exposed in the face of his situation. in order to improve the current pneumatic waste management system in the district municipality of Yaoundé II, local waste management actors should raise awareness among the populations on the disposal of pneumatic waste and create collection points nearby, create structures for the recycling of this waste. in the direction of improving this activity.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectTire wastefr_FR
dc.subjectSocioeconomic implicationfr_FR
dc.subjectWaste recyclingfr_FR
dc.titleDéchets pneumatiques et implications socioéconomiques et environnementales dans la commune d’arrondissement de yaoundé iifr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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